Need Taobao Dataset? You are at the right place.

Access 100 Million+ Taobao product details in one powerful dataset. Streamline your research process. Risk-free with our 30-day guarantee. Try a sample now!

❓ What is Taobao Dataset?

Our Taobao Dataset consists of over 100 Million products, and have data points such as

  • Product title
  • Price
  • Shipping price
  • Product rating
  • Number of reviews
  • Seller information
  • Number of purchases
  • Product parameters
  • Available units

You can find a sample of our Taobao Dataset here

❓ How can I use the Taobao Data?

  • Market research and competitor analysis in the Chinese e-commerce space
  • Pricing strategy development based on extensive product data
  • Identifying trending products and emerging market opportunities

❓ Can I see a sample of your Taobao Dataset?

You can find the sample here

❓ Can I get a custom Taobao Dataset?

Yes, we can provide you a curated dataset, based on the products you are interested in.

❓ Why choose your Taobao Dataset?

  • Access to over 100 Million products, providing a vast pool of business intelligence.
  • 100% fresh and accurate data with meticulous quality checks.
  • We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked, demonstrating our confidence in our product's value.
  • Our data is collected by experts who have created popular open-source data tools like Botasaurus, Gmaps Scraper, and G2 Scraper.

❓ Can I Get a Refund?

We wholeheartedly ❤️ believe in the value our dataset brings for you, especially since it has successfully worked for a number of people like you.

But, we also understand the reservations you might have.

So, If, within the next 30 days, you feel that our dataset hasn't met your expectations, don't hesitate. Reach out to us, and provide your PayPal email address and within 24 hours, we will gladly refund your money, no questions and no hassles.

❓ Why Choose Omkar?

We are experts in data extraction, and have successfully completed notable projects, including:

Botasaurus: Our in-house developed web scraping framework, Botasaurus, has also garnered significant attention and is used by 10000+ developers. You can see it at Botasaurus has also been starred by over 1100 people.

Google Maps Tool: This project has been starred by over 800 people and is widely used by thousands of developers around the globe. See it at

❓ How can I learn more about the Taobao Dataset?

You can schedule a meeting with us here to learn, how our Taobao dataset can help your business.

Alternatively, you can contact us via WhatsApp, or email:

Contact Us on WhatsApp about Taobao Dataset

Contact Us on Email about Taobao Dataset