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How To Get Donations From Companies

Table of Contents

🎯 Overview

You are here because you want to get donations from companies.

We will share with you a great strategy to help you get donations from companies.

Let's not beat around the bush, and get started.

Reaching Out to Local Company CEOs to get donations

One of the besy way to get donations is to reach out to local companies and share with them the impact of your Charity.

Here's an example of how this can be done

  • Target the CEO's of Companies in your Town/City, we recommend targeting CEOs with verified emails at companies with size range of 11 to 10000.

You can easily find the CEO's in your City by searching for them on omkar cloud.


  • Now you should send a personalized email. Following is an excellent email template that you can use:
Subject: Help us support environmental projects in [location]
Hi {first_name},

Last year your donations helped us plant over 1,000 trees in [location], which are on track to absorb thousands of tonnes of CO2 in their lifetime.

We’ve been lucky enough to have the support of companies in [location] such as [company 1], [company 2], and [company 3], and their donations played an important role in this initiative.

This year, it would be great to have {{}} onboard with us. You’ll be featured on our website and be highlighted as a supporter in our promotional materials in [location].

Would you be interested in supporting us on this?

[Your Name]

Note: We would like to acknowledge that this email template is sourced from, and we extend our appreciation to Jeremy from QuickMail for it.

  • The thing that will really boost response rates is following up with prospect. So Follow with the prospect say 2 Days later in case they didn’t respond. Following is an excellent email template that you can use
Hi {first_name}, 
I know that you are a busy person. So just wanted to follow up so that this doesn't get lost.

[Your Name]

Next Steps

That's all there is to getting donations from Companies, this is a simple and battle tested strategy you can use and see results for yourself.

Understand that Knowledge learned but not applied does not bear fruit. So head over to, discover your leads, and start shooting emails :)

Wish you best of luck!

Dhanyawad 🙏